Hooray! I finally got in my long run this past weekend!!
I even PR'd
(well I think so, my Nike+ app wasn't working perfectly, but my Map My Run saved me)
Saturday: 13.3 mile run, 10 minutes yoga, 5.10 plank
Sunday: 3o minutes yoga, 5.15 minute plank
Monday: 10 minutes yoga, 5 minute plank, 6 miles
Tuesday: 10 minutes yoga, 5 minute plank, 4 miles
Wednesday: 20 minutes yoga, 2.25 mile run, Santorini Workout (1x), Thailand Tush (2x), 3.1 mile run, 5.20 minute plank
Thursday: 50 minutes of yoga with Tara Stiles, 5 minute plank
Friday: (planned) run, yoga, plank (the usual)
This week's been pretty good about eating. I ate a lot more meat than I usually do and I did make some yummy snickerdoodles that got me.
But for the most part lean, green, and clean!!
How did Memorial day go for you?