Friday, December 20, 2013

Fitness Friday: Holly Jolly Christmas

Five days till Christmas! And man I've been eating so many goodies. Homemade treats are my weakness. Even though there is sugar, butter, and loads of flour in these treats I can't help but enjoy a few bites. Still trying to fit in some exercise though!
This week in fitness:
Saturday: 6.2 miles
Sunday: Rest
Monday: 1 hour hot yoga
Tuesday: 1 hour hot yoga
Wednesday: 1 hour hot yoga
Thursday: 3 rounds of Karena's Holiday Arm Workout (Tone It Up)
Friday: Hopefully some running

This week I caught a cold. Not a huge cold, but one that comes with an annoying barking cough. I haven't been able to get out and run, as now little miss has it too. I've been going to yoga in the morning, which has helped cleared out my congestion, but then I have little energy this week for running. Bummer. It's been so nice out too. I'm hoping at some point today I can at least get a few miles in. But it won't kill me to take a week off, even though it feels like it is killing me :)
I have such a hard time with not working out. Its my saving grace. I NEED it. It helps me sort out my problems. And even though I love to snuggle up with a great book during LM naptime. I find it had to not feel guilty that I didn't at least do some physical activity. Boo! I've got to learn how to enjoy RESTING!!!

Have a wonderful holiday break!! And I'll be trying to find the balance in resting and recovery and gobbling down homemade goodies.
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