Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Recipe: 3 ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies

You can find this recipe all over the internet. I found my recipe at Gimme Some Oven. They turned out delicious!!

They were super quick to make. I stuck them in the freezer, so if I need to bring something. I will have them done.

I cup smooth peanut butter
1 cup organic coconut sugar
1 egg

heat oven to 350.
combine ingredients.
Form dough by using a spoon.
Optional: use a fork to create design on cookies
Bake for 6-8 minutes.
Cool on rack.
Enjoy!! with milk

That was the intention. But I told the Mr. and we already had a few. Looks like I'll be making some more :)

Let me know how they turn out.

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Things I'm Loving: Baby Food Pouches and Snacks

Hopefully by now, we have boarded the plane to Maui and Little Miss has fallen asleep...

I was totally into making all of Lilly's food, until I realized that we don't always have new foods for her to try. So I tried a couple different brands. I was so SHOCKED at how misleading the labels are. 

I would find sugar, added preservatives, and a whole slough of unpronounceable ingredients.

However, Peter Rabbit Organics are the best.

If the flavor is Apple, Banana, you will find the ingredients as organic banana and organic apple.

There may be organic lemon juice to keep it preserved, but this is by far the best brand.

Its also certified organic by Oregon Tilth, which is a good company and very trustworthy.
One of Lilly's favorites

They retail for about 1.50, depending on where you get them.

And they sell them at some Starbucks, which is great when I don't have time to get to a grocery store.

In a close second, is Happy Baby.

They have some great products, but you can't take the flavor at its word like Peter Rabbit Organics.

We recently bought a Blueberry, Purple Carrot, and Apple food pouch. However, it also had Salba, which is from the same family as a chia seed. There was white grape juice and a few other things, which didn't bug me, but CHECK THE LABEL.

Happy Baby has a line for toddlers too, Happy Toddler and one for babies, Happy Bellies.

These products were a success with little miss (I did break them into smaller pieces for her to eat.)


What products have you had success with? Any that you swear by? Let us know!!

(all thoughts are my own. I was not paid to write this article, I just simply wanted to share my thoughts on these lovely products.)

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Lilly 10 months

SERIOUSLY?! We are already at 10 months!! I can't believe my Little Lil is almost 1.

She enjoys: cheese, broccoli, eggs, bananas with sunflower seed butter, beets, anything mommy and daddy eat
Loves splashing in the bath
Super close to crawling without belly on the floor.
Loves to stand
Can balance on feet (4x for a few seconds)
Weighs: 21.12
Length: 29 3/4
12-18 months clothing
3-4 size shoe
Loving eating solids, but still nursing ;)
Loves to drink water
Loves listening to books being read
Can pound on the drum
Reaches for people

She is truly a joy!! She makes me laugh and I treasure all the time I get to spend with her. I am such a lucky momma ;). I love that he is getting a sense of humor and laughs when she does something funny.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 13 fitness

Well I did it!! I finished my half marathon before Little Miss turns 1!!

You can read about it here.

This week I tried to relax a bit, but its hard for me to "take a day off". I always try to do yoga or walk.

Saturday: yoga
Sunday: Shamrockn Half Marathon
Monday: 30 min yoga, 3 mile walk
Tuesday: Tone it up Summer Slim Down
Wednesday: 2.5 mile run
Thursday: stretching, 5 mile run
Friday: (planned) walk and maybe a tone it up workout

We leave for Maui on Monday!! You can follow me on Instagram for some lovely Hawaiian sunsets!!

Have a wonderful Spring weekend!!!

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Book Review: Skinny Bitch

I've read this book before and this time it only took me a day to read. Its short and definitely to the point. 

The writing is much more harsh (and trucker-like) unlike the last book I read. 

This book is not for the faint at heart. Its for those of us who are motivated by the Jillian's from The Biggest Loser.

It's in your face attitude can definitely offend, so don't read until you are ready.

But I must say, I agree with it.

It preaches a vegan lifestyle because of the treatment of the food we eat, because it is rotting carcass that we put in our mouth (and that is disgusting), and because the treatment of the animals in inhuman.

I'm not a PETA activist and if I had my own farm, I would eat meat and dairy.

But since I don't have my own farm, I'm really really limiting my intake of these products.

Seriously, if you haven't read Fast Food Nation or Slaughterhouse, the images described will make you want to rid your fridge and body of all things dairy and meat.

It's really sad that we live in such a wonderful country full of wonderful veggies and fruits and access to so much and we can't treat our meat right. It's really frustrating.

I don't totally agree with Freedman and Barnouin on the fact that we are not meant to eat meat as humans. I will have to check on that one.

I just believe that meat has vitamins that we need, so we shouldn't count it out.

Anyway, I've decided to only eat meat on the weekends.

We'll see how long this lasts :)

I can't wait to share my next book review....Real Food...I LOVE IT!

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I DID IT: Recap of the Shamrockn Half Marathon

It finally happened. My goal of running a half marathon before Lilly turned a year, happened!!

I seriously couldn't be more excited and proud of myself (toot toot)

Anyway, it was the largest half marathon in Sacramento history with 7,500 participants.

That morning I was seriously nervous, visiting the restroom 5 times.

Its not the race that I worry about, its all the other variables that I can't control. Getting down there on time, finding a parking space, will Lilly be okay with out me?

And the list goes on...

We left the house at 6:30 and got down there at about 7:20. There was some traffic, but we managed to get down there fine, and a parking spot within walking distance to the stadium.

The race was held at Raley Field in Sacramento.

I was in Wave 2 and met my girlfriend from high school outside the stadium. We chatted and she got to meet Lilly. Then of course...

we had to go to the bathroom.

Wave 1 had already left and there were mere moments before we had to start.

She left to go to the rest room, but they said 25 seconds.

Then we waited for 7 minutes before we crossed the start line.

The other waves had crowded around the start line making it difficult for us to begin.

So she really could have gone to the rest room.

We ran 5 miles together and it was so fun getting to catch up with her.

Then the race got crowded and we had to split up.

Luckily she was understanding about me wanting to beat my PR time: 1:45

I ran by the American River trail and through downtown Sacramento.

There were bands playing throughout and people cheering.

it was so fun!!!

At about mile 8, I had been passing everyone, but this guy ran right by me.


I said 'I will pass him'

But he kept getting further away.

At about mile 10 he was within distance.

Mile 11...even closer

And up comes a hill and I just keep running, just keep running.

He was shoulder with me, but by the time mile 12 came I amped up my running.

I had to get to Steven and Lilly!!!

So I passed him :)

Then rounded the corner of the stadium and sprinted to the finish....

only to wait in a line to get out of the stadium :)

My dad said that Steven saw me right when I came in the stadium because eventhough everyone was wearing green, no one had an orange skirt too.

I didn't PR, but I'm super proud of my score 1:48, and my friend PR by 5 minutes.

It was a memory I will never forget!!

Have you ran a half marathon or a race that was life-changing?

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Week 12 Fitness

This week I've really been into the "whole food" concept.

That means whole milk.
And bacon.
And grass fed butter.


Well see how this all plans out.

Another tasty treat that I've been enjoying in the morning is cinnamon apples.

I just cut the apple into slices, throw it in a ziplock with about a teaspoon or two of cinnamon. They get pretty coated. So too much and you experience that awful cinnamon taste.

And cinnamon is good for digestion and regulating blood sugar.

This week in fitness I rested a lot more. The weather is warming up and I am thankful for evening runs but it's already a little too warm at 5.

Half Marathon is just a few days a way. I'll try to take some photos and post them on Instagram (littlemrshurley).

Saturday: yoga, 5 mile walk
Sunday: 4 mile run
Monday: Tone it up sandcastle workout and itty bitty abs.
Tuesday: 6 mile run
Wednesday: Skinnygirl yoga
Thursday: 5 mile walk
Friday: (planned) yoga, 2 mile run

Well hope you has a great week!! I'll be resting easy this week...well maybe!! And then we are off to Maui!! Is it sad that I really excited about yoga on the beach and running trails?!

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Book Review: When You Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull Up a Chair

When I saw this book, it immediately caught my eye. One is was small and portable and two, the title alone says a lot.
Again I judged a book by its cover, well title that is.
Then I saw that Anne Lamott wrote the foreward.
Umm she is amazing!!!
I've read several of her books including Rosie

This book has 50 chapters, but before you go "WHOA," they are super short. I love it because it is like small nuggets of gold.
Gold nuggets of wisdom.

Truly. This book is amazing!!

I love reading books from the library that make you want to go out and buy it.

Here are some of the chapter names:
Whatever You Do Don't Diet
Learn To Recognize a Fat-and-Ugly Attack
Learn the Difference Between Self-Indulgence and Self-Kindness
Carry a Chunk of Chocolate Everywhere
When You Are Not Hungry, Beauty is Better Than Bonbons

Each chapter is full of wisdom. This book really struck a chord with me. I am a Control Freak. I am. And I need to admit it. I've gotta stop 'dieting' or controlling my food. 
Sure I need to eat healthy, but on days that I feel like a HUGE BOX OF CHOCOLATE.
I'm gonna eat it, Why?!
Because when I get sick from it I'll remember too much of anything is a bad thing.

I don't get extra points in heaven for abstaining from a piece of chocolate cake.
Even if someone says good job, it doesn't make the inner war inside me feel better.

Only I can do that, well really, only I can give that over to God and let him deal with it.

I've realized through reading this that I am always trying to control something.
When I've discovered it, I don't really deal with it, I just put my control somewhere else in my life.

Any who...

Here are some awesome quotes from the book:

The basic message for a diet is that if you let yourself go,, you will devour the universe."
The 4th law of the universe is that for every diet, there is an equal and opposite binge."
Deprivation, fear, shame, and guilt do not have and never will lead to long-lasting change. Long lasting change can only come through kindness to yourself, curiosity about what you do, and a willingness to act on your own behalf.'
Keep an ongoing list of the instructions you obey or feel guilty about not obeying. 
Since fat is responsible for satiety, when you don't eat enough fat, you never feel full.

I give this book 6 out of 5 hearts

It really spoke to me. Its full of encouraging words and inspirational posts.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Vegan Black bean quinoa burgers

I've been vegetarian during the week and enjoying a little bit of meat on the weekends (fish is the exception, as I will eat it when ever, especially sashimi).

These are super easy and can be customizable too. I've added onions before, but I really enjoy eating them raw for their health benefits.

2c black beans
1c quinoa
1T garlic salt
3T flax seed
3T water
5 cloves garlic
Dash of salt and pepper

Blend in Vitamix but not purée.
Add additional seasonings to taste.
If mixture is too soggy, add additional flax seed.
Create hamburgers (I get three out of this recipe).
Place in pan and cover.
Heat about 4 minutes each side twice.


Serve on a bun, a lettuce wrap, or over a field of greens.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Organic is not enough

Just wanted to share what I've been reading...

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What I'm Loving: Cream Top Yogurt

I have been thoroughly enjoying my cream top yogurt in the morning with my homemade granola.

These brands are soooo delicious!!

I've tried 
Wallaby Vanilla Bean which has a yummy vanilla syrup on the bottom. 
Dreaming Cow's Vanilla Agave is much more subtle. The Honey Pear is a sweet treat too.
I've only tried Kalona's Vanilla, but it was scrumptious.

As you can tell I like vanilla. Its easy to add granola too.

Have you tried any of these?

I'm sure it seems odd. If you have been a reader of this blog you will see that I am reading and very interested into health and fitness. 

I'm still eating clean, but what I am really wanting to do is eat responsibly. 
There is so much mistreatment done to our cows and animals (which is why I was contemplating vegan).
I think there are great benefits in eating meat, but our food is severely mishandled.

"You need fat to burn fat" and this is just the right treat to enjoy!!!

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